Munno Para City

B Game

Our History

In 1981 our Club was formed

and we went under the name of Elizabeth North Soccer Club. We fielded 2 senior teams only at this time. Unfortunately, we received very little support from the Elizabeth Council and Munno Para Council came to our aid and helped us find suitable grounds – Uley Reserve – Uley Road Elizabeth Downs. We then adopted our name, Munno Para City Soccer Club.

0 +
Years Of Experiences
0 +
Sucessful Students

In those days we had very little in the way of equipment and finances and players towed a little red caravan to and from games which they utilized as their change rooms, come club room, come canteen. Eventually, the club managed to raise enough money to buy a

small shed, but there were not enough funds left to have a concrete floor laid so they made do with just the shelter. Six months later the concrete floor was poured.

Our flood lights were donated to the club and players/committee members erected them themselves, digging by hand 1m x 1m holes.

Good things come to those who wait and eventually enough funds were raised to secure a deposit on a small building to be used as change rooms. The TAFE College at Gepps Cross took on the project of constructing our building. Our aim was to buy our change rooms, but unfortunately this was not to be so and the Munno Para City Council soon took over the building and we leased it back from them.

In 1990 our first Jumor team was fielded and in 1991 our change room was opened by the Mayor Jo Gapper and we became an Incorporated body. We tried to make our change rooms as comfortable as possible utilizing what space we had and they soon became our club rooms.

Between 1991 and 1997 our Junior squads increased from I to 18. We have 220 registered junior players and we have 3 senior squads giving us approximately 265 members. Our growth has been fantastic and we are now the 3rd largest club in the Elizabeth and Districts Jumor Soccer Association, something no one dreamt of or could have foreseen.

Our Juniors are our history in the making. We want for them to strive to be our future and achieve our goal – to be “The Pride Of The North”

Men's League

Men's League

By becoming a member of Munnopara city Football Club, you’re not just supporting the team – you’re becoming an integral part of our football family. Whether you’re a die-hard supporter, an aspiring player, or simply someone who loves the sport, we invite you to take your place in the Munnopara city legacy

Junior's League

Junior's League

By becoming a member of Munnopara city Football Club, you’re not just supporting the team – you’re becoming an integral part of our football family. Whether you’re a die-hard supporter, an aspiring player, or simply someone who loves the sport, we invite you to take your place in the Munnopara city legacy

Women's League

Women's League

By becoming a member of Munnopara city Football Club, you’re not just supporting the team – you’re becoming an integral part of our football family. Whether you’re a die-hard supporter, an aspiring player, or simply someone who loves the sport, we invite you to take your place in the Munnopara city legacy.


Benifits Of Joining Our Club

Expert Coaching Staff:

Our club boasts a team of dedicated and experienced coaches who are passionate about nurturing talent and helping players reach their full potential.

State-of-the-Art Facilities:

Munnoparacity Football Club offers top-notch training facilities and a modern stadium where players can hone their skills and showcase their talents in a world-class environment.

Comprehensive Player Development:

We provide a structured player development pathway, focusing on technical, tactical, physical, and mental aspects to ensure well-rounded growth on and off the field.

Strong Team Camaraderie:

At Munnoparacity, we emphasize teamwork and unity. Players become part of a close-knit family, forging lifelong friendships and bonds that extend beyond the pitch.

Competitive Leagues:

Our club competes in some of the most prestigious leagues, providing players with the opportunity to test their skills against top talent and gain invaluable match experience.

Individual Attention:

We believe in personalized attention. Our low coach-to-player ratio ensures that each individual receives tailored guidance to address their unique strengths and areas for improvement.


Benifits Of Joining Our Club

Get Fit:

Soccer is a physically demanding sport that requires endurance, strength, and agility. When you join a soccer club, you’ll be training regularly, which will help you improve your fitness levels. Not only will you be burning calories and toning your muscles, but you’ll also be improving your cardiovascular health. The best part is that you’ll be having fun while doing it!

Learn New Skills:

Soccer is a sport that requires a range of skills, including dribbling, passing, shooting, and defending. When you join a soccer club, you’ll have the opportunity to learn and develop these skills. You’ll also learn how to work as part of a team, communicate effectively, and develop your strategic thinking. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced player, there’s always something new to learn when it comes to soccer.

Get Your Competitive Juices Flowing:

If you’re looking for a competitive edge, then joining a soccer club is a great way to do it. Most clubs will have teams of different levels, so whether you’re a beginner or an experienced player, you’ll be able to find a team that suits your skill level. Playing competitive soccer can be a great way to push yourself and improve your game. It can also be incredibly rewarding to play alongside other players who are just as passionate about the sport as you are.

Give Back to Your Community:

Local soccer clubs are typically run by volunteers who give their time and energy to help the club run smoothly. By joining a soccer club, you’ll have the opportunity to give back to your community and support a local organisation. Whether it’s coaching a youth team, helping to organise a tournament, or simply volunteering your time, there are plenty of ways to get involved and make a positive impact.

Have Fun!:

At the end of the day, soccer is all about having fun. When you join a soccer club, you’ll have the opportunity to enjoy the game you love with other like-minded individuals. You’ll create memories that will last a lifetime, whether it’s celebrating a hard-fought victory or simply enjoying a post-game drink with your teammates.

Join Today:

Joining Munno Para City Soccer Club is a fantastic way to get involved in the beautiful game. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced player, there are plenty of benefits to be had. From meeting new people to improving your fitness and learning new skills, there’s something for everyone. So what are you waiting for?

Let's Join The Game

Join Munnoparacity Football Club today and experience a journey of growth, camaraderie, and excellence in the beautiful game.


Join Us Now & Make Your Goal


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